Sat 20th February – Inner Healing Workshop

Deeper inner healing work in a small group, for people who want to:

  • Deepen self-love and self-acceptance,
  • Take steps towards healing emotional wounds,
  • Form a closer connection with the inner child,
  • Recognize and soften barriers in relationships,
  • Identify and address what is holding you back in life.

Each participant is encouraged to bring one thing they wish to work on, or to come with an intention to assist and learn from the work of others.

In this guided workshop we will set up a safe container of a supportive group and use the tools of guided meditation and facilitated enactment to gain insight and clarity, facilitate emotional release and healing, and open up new possibilities for the future.

There will be breaks, healthy vegan snacks, filtered water and a cup of hot chocolate to reconnect before heading out into the evening.

You can read participant feedback from a previous workshop here.

This workshop is limited to 6 participants (minimum of 4).

Deadline for registrations – 14th of February.

Time: 1pm to 6pm on Saturday 20th of February.

Suggested koha: $60 good income / $40 standard / $25 low income / $10 financially struggling. Koha is a Maori custom of making a voluntary gift to the hosts of the gathering in accordance with the guest’s means. Koha is not a fee and therefore not a requirement and nobody is excluded for financial reasons.

Recommendations: in some cases unresolved emotions may surface days after engaging in inner work – after leaving the supportive environment of the workshop. Due to being a one-off event without ongoing follow-up support, this particular workshop is not recommended for people who do not currently have a reliable source of ongoing support (ex: an understanding spouse, a close friend who can listen, a good therapist or a supportive group or community).

What to bring: just yourself and an open mind. Wear layered clothing comfortable for sitting and movement. Pen and paper is ok if you feel like writing during the breaks. No electronic devices, cellphones and smartwatches must be left in your car. There will be filtered water and cups + some healthy vegan snacks will be provided during the breaks to keep your energy up (check with us if you have additional dietary requirements).

Please read through the venue information and house rules of Laingholm 11 and then fill out the form below to book your place in the workshop.

There is a bus service to Laingholm on Saturdays. Note on the form if you need a lift.

Inner Healing Workshop - 20 Feb 2021

4 thoughts on “Sat 20th February – Inner Healing Workshop

  1. I went to Val’s workshop not knowing what to expect, and the only thing I had in my mind when I arrived was what I hoped to get out of this workshop. The method Val taught us came as a big surprise for me, and I was physically and emotionally intensely involved in the process. It was a profound experience and brought up feelings and realisations that lay deep within me. I came out learning how to face my problems and continue the process to heal myself completely with time. One of the best things all of us did in the workshop was to help others in their own inner journeys. Val set up a highly supportive and focussed environment that couldn’t have been done any better. I highly recommend this session for anyone who wants to delve inside and finally confront the deep-rooted causes that are seeping into their daily lives. I am grateful to Val for helping us all face ourselves and bring clarity into our minds. I also thank my session partners who helped me in my inward exploration. I can confidently say that at the end of the day, I came out with new-found clarity and awareness on how to choose the best path forward.

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  2. It was a transformative experience as a result of an immersive visual introspective practice. Highly recommended if you are interested in healing and growth. Val is an exceptional facilitator and is really committed to helping people grow, at the same times he’s really chill and welcoming creating a relaxed and safe environment.

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  3. It was a subreal experience, I have never thought I would have been able to travel back on time until this weekend nor the possibility to heal a particular area that required attention without me being aware of, after all these years. Truly grateful to have participated in this workshop.

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  4. The Inner Healing workshop I attended was very beneficial to me, helping me gain new insights on various themes, and resurface previously discovered insights. The physical representation of people, emotions, danger and judgement, for example, was very helpful, providing a new way of experiencing and relating to them. I believe Valera to be a very skillful and compassionate facilitator, who communicates clearly and does an excellent job of creating a safe environment for therapeutic psychological exploration. Ngā mihi

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