Sat 23rd March – Meditation Workshop: Cultivating Inner Peace

These days it’s easy to get caught up in external pursuits – education, career, money, family, beauty, possessions, admiration – when we are bombarded with countless messages of “buy this or attain that and it will make you happy”. Even when the pursuits are noble – helping others, protecting the environment, bettering society – one’s happiness can still depend on succeeding in changing the world. Could the pursuit of happiness itself be robbing us of something more fundamental?

Inner peace is contentment, a deep shift in mentality that makes all experiences okay, whether they are good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant. It is acceptance without complacency. It requires dwelling in the present moment while seeing the larger picture of cycles and polarities in life. It is a skill that can be cultivated, like a muscle that can be trained. In this workshop we will explore what inner peace means, what prevents us from experiencing it and how we can cultivate it in everyday modern life.

This 5-hour guided meditation workshop will involve theory, practice and reflection. Participants will learn practical skills of meditation that can be applied in everyday life – both in calm times and in turbulent times – to cultivate the skill of inner peace. This workshop is a step on a journey of inner cultivation that will give you a taste of what inner peace is and teach you how you can continue the journey towards it in your own life.

This workshop is suitable for anyone – we usually have a good mixture of complete beginners and people who have been doing meditation for a while. Laingholm 11 is a private home studio that is non-religious and non-commercial – there is nothing to believe and nothing to buy. Participants are encouraged to come with an open mind and to practice critical thinking.

You can read participant feedback from the previous workshops by looking at the comments section of previous events.


Time: 1pm to 6pm on Saturday 23rd of March.

Suggested koha: $40 standard / $20 low income / $10 financially struggling. Koha is a Maori custom of making a voluntary gift to the hosts of the gathering in accordance with the guest’s means. Koha is not a fee and nobody is excluded for financial reasons.

What to bring: just yourself and an open mind. Wear layered clothing comfortable for sitting and movement. Pen and paper is ok if you feel like writing during the breaks. No electronic devices, cellphones and smartwatches must be left in your car. There will be filtered water and cups + some healthy vegan snacks will be provided during the breaks to keep your energy up (check with us if you have additional dietary requirements).

Advance registration is required and the workshop is limited to 15 participants.

Please read through the venue information and house rules of Laingholm 11 and then fill out the form below to book your place in the workshop


One thought on “Sat 23rd March – Meditation Workshop: Cultivating Inner Peace

  1. The workshop affected me more than I thought it would. Valera skillfully adapted the programme to the participants through engaging dialogue and meditation exercises designed to meet the needs of those who were present. It’s remarkable how a small group can attain such insights.

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