Sat 15th December – Meditation & Personal Growth Workshop

Let’s gather for the last workshop of 2018 to practice meditation, enjoy like-minded company and work on whatever unresolved questions and inner challenges remain at the end of the year. This will be the first L11 workshop without a set theme – the themes we engage with will be determined on the day by the needs of the group. You can either bring a question or inner dilemma to work on, or come with an open mind and see what emerges for you on the day.

This 5-hour guided workshop is suitable for anyone – we usually have a good mixture of complete beginners and people who have been doing meditation for a while. We will likely practice both sitting and movement-based meditation techniques. The movement component can be adjusted to anyone’s level of comfort (if you can walk then you can do this workshop). There will be multiple breaks throughout the afternoon and a cup of tea served at the end.

You can read participant feedback from the previous workshops by looking at the comments section of previous events.

Time: 1pm to 6pm on Saturday 15th of December.

Suggested koha: $40 standard / $20 low income / $10 financially struggling. Koha is a Maori custom of making a voluntary gift to the hosts of the gathering in accordance with the guest’s means. Koha is not a fee and therefore not a requirement, nobody is excluded for financial reasons.

What to bring: just yourself and an open mind. Wear layered clothing comfortable for sitting and movement. Pen and paper is ok if you feel like writing during the breaks. No electronic devices, cellphones and smartwatches must be left in your car. There will be filtered water and cups + some healthy vegan snacks will be provided during the breaks to keep your energy up (check with us if you have additional dietary requirements).

Advance registration is required and the workshop is limited to 10 participants. Please read through the venue information and house rules of Laingholm 11 and then fill out the form below to book your place in the workshop.


One thought on “Sat 15th December – Meditation & Personal Growth Workshop

  1. This was quite a different style of workshop compared to the others I have been to at Laingholm 11. I felt that we went in depth into some very big and personal things in our small group in a very involved way, and as always, the time just flew by! I found the experience to be very engaging, challenging at times, and also quite special. I think that Valera created a trusting and supportive space which allowed for such openness and sharing as there was on the day. I feel appreciative of this, and for everybody who was there for sharing so much. I learnt a lot.
    I’m intrigued to be a part of the next one!

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