Sat 8th September – Meditation Workshop – Rolling With Reality

A great deal of life’s upsets have to do with things not going how we want them to go. It is common to have a desire for control – desire to influence reality to be the way that we think is best. This involves many positive and fruitful aspirations. But things don’t always go our way and some aspects of our reality are very difficult if not impossible to change. In this workshop we will explore ways of using meditation and movement to peel one layer of our suffering – the inner resistance to parts of our reality that we want to change but can’t.

This workshop is open to people who have never meditated before and to experienced meditators alike. The workshop will involve listening, practicing guided meditation and movement techniques and talking about our meditation experiences. We will aim for a relaxed and spacious day: cosy room with a fire, plenty of breaks, vegan snacks, space to be with others or to quietly reflect by yourself. This is a 4-hour afternoon workshop and participants are invited to stay for a cup of tea afterwards to ease into the evening.

Time: 1pm to 5pm on Saturday 8th of September.

The suggested koha is: $30 standard / $15 low income / $5 financially struggling. Koha is a Maori custom of making a voluntary gift to the hosts of the gathering in accordance with the guest’s means. Koha is not a fee and therefore not a requirement, nobody is excluded for financial reasons.

What to bring: just yourself and an open mind. Wear layered clothing comfortable for sitting and movement. Pen and paper is ok if you feel like writing during the breaks. No electronic devices, cellphones and smartwatches must be left in your car. There will be filtered water and cups + some healthy vegan snacks will be provided during the breaks.

Advance registration is required and the workshop is limited to 12 participants. Please read through the venue information and house rules of Laingholm 11 and then fill out the form below to book your place in the workshop.

Update: workshop was postponed to 8th of Sep.

6 thoughts on “Sat 8th September – Meditation Workshop – Rolling With Reality

  1. My Wife and I love going to Tai Chi and are looking forward to this workshop.

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  2. Valera’s Tai Chi and meditation classes are a highlight of my week. He is a thoughtful and encouraging teacher, and I’m looking forward to his upcoming workshop too.

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  3. My wife and I thought the meditation workshop was an uplifting experience. Valera was a thoughtful tutor who developed the tempo of the workshop perfectly. It was an amazing workshop with a great group of people in a safe and caring environment.

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  4. A wonderful way to spend the afternoon after a week’s work. I slept 10.5 hours that night! Valera is a creative facilitator who set up a safe space for us all to do our own work and have fun as we did it. I would strongly recommend his classes, if you are willing to experiment on your self development journey.

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  5. This workshop was the first of its kind that I’ve ever done, it was a very enlightening experience for me. I had a profound realisation about myself and a breakthrough in my relationship with my body, mind and immediate reality. The effects are lasting still and I’m looking forward to more workshops with Valera.

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  6. Thank you Valera for such a wonderful workshop! Your gentle guidance encouraged me to look into and feel into myself, and be with what I found there. I’ve left with a sense of knowing myself a little better, and feeling supported – by everybody there on the day, and myself – to be with these feelings and really get to know them.
    I’ve since been processing things that came up for me on the day, and subsequent weeks, and I am (I think!) rolling with reality a little more smoothly! A very special day indeed. I eagerly await the next one.

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